
Showing posts from October, 2017

Breaking False Belief Patterns - Lesson from a Hummingbird

I had an amazing experience with a hummingbird that taught me an important lesson. We are one with nature and we can have a relationship with it; but we have been programed to believe we are separate from nature. A couple weeks ago, I was sitting in my living room enjoying a latte while writing in my journal. It was a beautiful, softly-breezy, and cool sunny morning and the fresh air was so captivating I opened my front door to let in the life force and the crisp, dreamy smells of nature drifting in and filling my senses. I don’t have a screen on the front door but I didn’t care as I needed the freshness beckoning my senses and soul. As I sat in my quiet bliss I heard the sound of something akin to a “vroom” race through my living room toward the large nine-foot window across the room. As I gazed up, I saw a green and yellow hummingbird frantically darting up and down at my window. This sweet little bird of joy found his way into my home and was now in a panic, flutterin...

Your Heart Is The True Decision Maker

Living a life of joy and all forms of abundance begins from your heart. Your heart is the conductor and starting point for everything you do – not your mind! Your mind is actually the servant to your heart, responding to direct the desires originating from the passions and longings of your heart. Before you make a decision about anything, sit in a quiet setting and go inward. FEEL what your heart desires regarding the decision, invitation, or action you are considering. Even something as small as selecting a piece of furniture begins from a place of feeling. When looking at a table, for example, forget about the trends and the sales person guiding you. Stop, go inward and feel if the item brings warmth, comfort, and a good feeling to you or not. If it does, then it is right for you. If not, then it is not right for you. Pass on it until you are led to the exact right feeling item. Then move forward.   Your heart will always guide you to the rig...

Take Time For You Every Day

Make you the priority of your life!   Set aside 15 – 20 minutes each day to sit alone, in quiet, inward peace. If you need to go into a closet to be alone than do so. Only in the absolute quiet will you find your true self which is love.  Go inward focusing on stillness and being held. Pretend you are floating in the vastness of the ocean. Imagine the feeling of warm water gently surrounding you and caressing you. Allow your thoughts to slow down and see yourself held in the peacefulness of the water. Breath slowly and float. Rest in the stillness and feel the comfort within yourself rise up. Ask yourself, “What do I need right now?” Allow the water to embrace you as you FEEL what you need most. Be gentle with yourself and see what comes to you. Listen to what you have to say to you. What action can you take to give yourself what you need?  Enjoy loving yourself…