How to Live Life as an Empath
I used to think there was something wrong with me. Whenever I would go out in public, I would begin to feel pain throughout my body. It got to the point where I was heaped over with constant head, neck and chest pain. So severe were my symptoms, that I proceeded down the path of medical exploration. I underwent brain and carotid MRIs, heart echo stress tests, chest x-rays, and blood tests. Test after test, year after year, everything was negative and the diagnosis was stress. This went on for 13 years. And then I woke up from my human slumber and the truth of what was occurring emerged. I am an empath. On a scale from 1-10, I register and perceive energy at a 900. No kidding. I experience the energy of people, and the goings on inter-dimensionally, through the language of energy. It makes for a rather interesting life because I feel the presence of the Divine hierarchy, which is beyond exquisite, and also the other end of the spectrum, which is not so exquisite. Quantum phy