Meditation is the foundation of a spiritual life

Meditation is the foundation of a spiritual life. It is the path you take to go deep within and discover your authenticity, gain spiritual direction, consciousness expansion, and answers to life’s most perplexing questions, including the proverbial “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”

Within different states of meditation, you can access higher vibrational energies and expanded states of consciousness. The higher vibrational energies accessible from this holy alignment are those of the angels, ascended masters or saints and other divine beings within the heavenly hierarchy of God. These are very advanced levels of achievement and require dedication and the clearing of energetic densities.  However, the rewards are worth the dedication and focus! Meditation is the passage you follow on your way to heaven. And heaven, by the way, is within, not outside of self.

Meditation exploration is a journey in and of itself and I invite you to enjoy the journey and each new awareness that you will find along the way. Think of it as a progression of expansion and each new level will bring fresh insights, answers, understanding, clarity, direction and confidence. Meditation is your go to place for self-discovery.

There are many ways to meditate, and the experience is unique to each person. When I sink into meditation, I find the most comfortable place to sit and cross my legs in the traditional meditation pose. This is most comfortable for me but it is not required. What is important is to be comfortable, relaxed and unencumbered with distractions. To achieve this space of solitude I go into my room, close the door and sit in a chair or on the floor. Again, specific protocol is NOT required and I simply find what works for me to close out the demands of the world and just be with myself. Find what works for you.

Quietude is the greatest gift you can give to yourself each day - the gift of peace and solitude. It is okay to say no to the world and yes to yourself. Moms, I am especially talking to you.

Playing soft music was my meditative inroad when I first began this practice. If you are a beginner, I recommend this approach as it is an easy way to remain focused. Otherwise, you can get pulled or distracted by your thoughts (I will be writing a blog about quieting the mind soon). Play soft music that sings to your heart either with lyrics or without. As you are unique, the choices you make for this are equally unique. There is no recipe of requirement. There are as many possibilities to finding this calm, inner space as there are people on the planet. I invite you to find your own heart music and let it flow. Let it carry you, to you, like the waves of a beautiful sunset or cascading waterfall. The key is to go inside your heart space. There is absolutely no required method of meditation to achieve the highest levels of expansion!

Once in stillness, contemplate what is pulling at you in your life or an area you need clarity or direction on. In this contemplation, set very specific intentions to identify, understand, remember, heal or gain clarity. Or it could be to simply become calm and peaceful, letting go of the day. Whatever it is, be clear on what you are wanting for yourself. Then go silent mentally and stay within. STOP THINKING and be as internally quiet as you can possible be. The longer you practice, the easier this gets. During this time, if you are searching for answers, they will begin to surface in the form of memories, feelings, events, new ideas and perspectives. Whatever is right for the moment will arrive for you, from within you. Allow the unfolding and be patient with yourself. At first, you may not be able to sit for very long and nothing much comes. In time, you will find your practice shifting and becoming a very wonderful experience. BE PATIENT! Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I have found the most advanced levels of meditation provide access to very high energies and conscious communion with guides, angels, saints and the host of heavenly emissaries. I believe this is possible for all people if you have the heartfelt dedication and desire to achieve this for yourself. This is my current level of meditative practice and I begin with absolute silence and complete stillness. I have been meditating daily for six years, and currently for several hours each day, which gives you some perspective as to the amount of dedication and practice it takes to expand into these energies and states of consciousness. But again, everyone is unique and this is one person’s unique path and timing.

To enter, I go quiet, set my intention and focus on my heart and the Divine Father /Mother God or a specific divine being or beings that are especially dear. I call them guides and beloved friends. As I focus, I begin to feel the energy awaken within my body. It is an indescribable sensory experience that the word love barely describes. Human language is inadequate to describe what the alignment actually feels like. Terms like exquisite, beautiful, miraculous, holy, joyful, totality of beingness and profundity of existence is a meager attempt at describing these experiences.

There is usually a lesson in my communion with the divine and sometimes the lesson is beautiful and sometimes it is a block or belief I need to look at within myself such as less than, worthiness, unworthiness, fears, terrors, etc. It could be a host of ascended masters and angels or it could be one specific divine being who has come to help me see what needs to be seen. In these moments, it is because they hold the energy signature that is necessary to help me pass thorough what is before me. This is their purpose in our lives, to help us, through their expertise, to get through the passage into light.

It may seem odd to you that a Divine Master may be visiting, but this is their purpose and they are most happy to assist. It is their role as emissaries of God to assist in the advancement or evolution of human consciousness. This is what awakening is all about - discovering the source of who you are.  Calling upon the divine emissaries to assist you in your passages into the light of who you are is part of what is available to you for this process.

Our communion is telepathic and sensory as my empathic abilities are profound. This is my gift of which I am most grateful. I journal, freely writing what I am receiving. Or, I simply sit and the energy of the communication fills me and I gain the understanding. Your special uniqueness will pave the way for your inner guidance. Through intention, you are the master of this and your soul or source-self guides you every step of the way.

Meditation leads to a progression of expanded states of consciousness and vibrational states of being. Becoming proficient in your practice that takes time and dedication but the rewards are immeasurable. Meditation is a mindfulness practice where you journey to the true source of you which is brilliant. All the answers you seek can be found here and it is here, within the stillness of your heart-centered core that you touch God, the divine emissaries, and most importantly – the real you, the authentic you who is beautiful, empowered, all knowing and complete.

If you would like to enhance or begin a meditative practice, please contact me. It is my absolute honor and joy to assist you with your special journey of awakening and meditation practice. For an appointment go to the sessions page of my website at


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