I am a Divine manifestation
of God’s love.
I was created from Love and
therefore, I am Love.
I hold a beautiful and
unique aspect of God that is specific to me.
I choose to fully embrace my
uniqueness and let it shine upon the earth in all I do, think and say.
I accept my responsibility
to the Oneness to let my special aspect of love shine, so that I do my part to
uplift humanity.
I recognize my place of
importance in the universe and I step forward and join the hearts of all others
to amplify and expand the power of love and light upon the earth.
I choose to see the beauty
within myself each and every day and I look forward to exploring who I am and
what makes me unique.
I release all false labels
or beliefs about myself that were placed upon me through the projections of
I surrender all programs of
being unlovable, less than, unworthy, unwanted, and all other programs and
beliefs of fear and scarcity from my consciousness.
I open myself up to the
abundance and kindness of the universe and activate the magnet of my heart to
draw to me those experiences that bring joy, peace, happiness, pleasure, love
and fulfillment into my life.
I sing with joy and glee as
I notice and experience positive shifts in my life.
I celebrate the union of all
life and I celebrate me, a child of innocence who is lovely, immortal and free.
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